Vývoj a konštrukcia
Vývoj a konštrukcia na CATIA v.5
Potreba zrýchlenia odozvy medzi požiadavkami trhu a realizácie finálnych produktov viedla firmu SEC k budovaniu modernej technologickej základne v oblasti vývoja, technickej prípravy výroby i samotného výrobného procesu. Pre vývoj a konštrukciu mechanických častí výrobkov SEC používa progresívnu technológiu 3D objemového modelovania s následnou vizualizáciou v softvérovom prostredí CATIA-CADAM. Táto technológia nám umožňuje hneď na prvom stupni vývoja výrobku predložiť tvarové a konštrukčné riešenie verne zobrazujúce predpokladané riešenie potenciálnemu odberateľovi. Nemalou prednosťou je možnosť simulovať budúcu aplikáciu vo virtuálnom prostredí so stanovením optimálnych svetelno-technických vlastností.
Lighting Simulations OPTIS
Firma SEC patrí medzi popredných výrobcov svetelnej techniky, ktorí disponujú moderným softvérom a fotometrickým laboratóriom. Softvér OPTIS je svetový leader v simulácii svetelno-technických parametrov svietidiel v prostredí integrovanom pod CAD systémom CATIA. Vďaka tomu v reálnom čase už počas vývoja vieme simulovať a optimalizovať svetelný systém využívajúc fyzikálne parametre. OPTIS ponúka možnosť vizualizovať svietidlo rozsvietené/zhasnuté a vďaka simulácii ľudského videnia dokáže zobraziť reálne videné farby, tvary a povrchy. Následne môžu byť tieto výsledky overené v našom svetelno-technickom laboratórii na reálnej vzorke svietidla.
Thermal Analysis
During the enginnering and design process of a new product SEC pays high attention on the reliability and life time parameters of an electronics including the LED modules.
In order to manufacture high quality electronics we regulary use powerful software tool for thermal analysis which allows us to identify and avoid all risks due to the thermal load of any electronic compoment.
It enables broadbased mechanical design engineers to perform fluid-flow and heat transfer simulations directly from their 3D CAD models:
- Reduce prototyping costs drastically by replacing physical tests with virtual tests;
- Increase product quality while reducing production costs by helping your team reduce errors and create better products; and
- • Shorten the development cycle by enabling your team to conduct “what-if” tests quickly.
Electronics Module
The Electronics Cooling Module contains several features that make thermal management simulations of electronic systems more accurate. Besides extended databases of fan curves and packaging material or 2-Resistor components, it also contains specialized features and physics such as a PCB model and joule heating due to current flow.
The Electronics Cooling Module is ideal for more detailed simulations of electronics systems.
LED Module
In order to obtain accurate results in lighting applications, special physics need to be considered. The LED Module is not only suitable for LED lighting applications but also for any other lighting applications. It contains the necessary radiation models such as Discrete Ordinate and Monte Carlo and provides capabilities to absorb radiation in transparent materials and considers refraction such as in lenses.
The LED Module is the ideal module for the lighting industry and especially for LEDs, it includes a new unique LED model that provides the junction temperature and hot lumen.
Structural Analysis FEM
Besides the thermal analysis SEC pays high attention on the structural analysis, especially for both luggage racks and ceiling parts. SIMULIA provides us the complete design-integrated simulation capabilities within the CATIA V5 design environment. Our designers use the familiar CATIA user interface to perform analysis directly on their master reference model in CATIA. The combined CATIA Analysis and the SIMULIA Extended Analysis product suites offer us the possibility to accurately size our designs and quickly evaluate the real world performance during the design phase.
Generative Part Structural Analysis
Generative Part Structural Analysis allows us to understand how our designs
behave and to accurately calculate the displacements and stresses within the part under a variety of loading conditions. It also allows the vibration characteristics of parts to be assessed by calculating the natural frequencies and the associated mode shapes. Analyses can be performed on volume parts, surface parts and wireframe geometries.
- Allows our designers to more accurately size parts and understand the mechanical behaviour of their designs
- Provides rapid and accurate assessment of stress, displacement, and vibration characteristics
- Analysis is performed within the CAD environment so the analysis model is fully associative with the CAD geometry and specification
- Tightly integrated with knowledge-based engineering
- Seamless analysis data management within PLM